Tutorial On How To Create A Website

Contrary to what you might be thinking, setting up and managing your own site is rather simple. Gone are the days when individuals needed to have some technical skills such as HTML coding knowledge learned from numerous website tutorials on topics like how to create a website. Here is what you need:

Select The Software You Want To Use

There are numerous software options you may use to accomplish this. Remember to keep it simple and easy to use. You may either select: Worpress, TextPattern or Nucleus. WordPress is really simple to use and is more powerful when it comes to functionality.

Locate A Host For That Supports Your Software

You will need to locate a host so as to get your site up and running. The aim is to locate a host who supports the exact software you used in building your website. Try and ask as many relevant questions as possible so that you both understand each other clearly.

Choosing A Theme For Your Website

Your basic website building software usually comes with a default installation theme. For those looking to be a bit unique, there are plenty of themes you may use in your site, some are absolutely free, while others are for sale.

Start Writing Your Content

At this point, you are all set up and ready to start creating the actual content that makes up your site. For any technical support such as how to add pictures and so forth, you may require a professional touch during the final stages. Over time, you will get the hang of things.

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